Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.

We get results

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

We are using an adaptive advertising strategy driven by product-level performance data. We create an efficient, flexible and evolving PPC campaign structure capable of achieving sales volume and profitability. You are part of the process from the very beginning. Together we will be constantly improving and building further your overall marketing strategy and tactics. Great Results are achieved through knowledge, hard work and perseverance over time.

Keeping track

Data Studio report for You

Data studio reporting AdVision agency
Each business is different

Custom solutions matter

You are getting included in our flat fee service custom automated PPC&SEO dashboards build for the needs of your business on Google Data ( Looker ) studio.

Audience data, campaign structure, marketing metrics and KPI’s will be there for you at any time to compare.

We use those reports to monitor and analyse Your marketing performance. Upon request from your side we can create or enhance them to include and present in an understandable way pretty much any data set. 

As our work scales You marketing report will scale with it and will allow both teams to be on top of the data curve through the year. 

It is an essential tool allow us to do the best analysis, planning and ultimate grow Your business.  

Flat fee regardless of your business growth

Flat marketing Fee!

Most PPC&SEO agencies nowadays offer a base service  with a flat fee and a % of the marketing spending as an extra commission above certain level of monthly spending.

The issue with that model is that after a certain point those agencies have an incentive to pump your marketing spending even when the results are not good. It is supposed to align the interests but based on our experience working in such agencies this happens more often than people realize. 

This alleviates the inherent conflict of interest you would be faced ( unknowingly in most cases ) with pretty much every other agency. 

In the monthly feed You are getting full ongoing planning, analysis, implementation, custom automated reporting and performance optimization. 

AdVision offer you a cost effective way to grow Your business through the use of the internet in a cost effective way regardless of your target market and industry.

What sets us apart from the competition apart from the flat fee is our diverse experience with many ad networks. The majority of them would give Your money mostly to Facebook and Google ( the marketing Duopoly ) for the simple reason they don’t know much about the other major platforms. 

The problem is that everybody else does the same and the CPC ( cost per click ) and CPM ( cost per 1000 imp. ) has been increasing relentlessly for more than a decade. We’ve reached a point because of the pandemic where a lot of businesses can’t justify the advertising investment they make. This is where we can help You. 

Oversaturation of Google and Facebook as marketing platforms
FB and Google advertising duopoly

What is included

Google Search & Bing & Amazon

You will reach people Actively looking for your products and services in the exact locations that matter to you. Pay only for people interested to click on what you offer in the world's biggest Search engine: Google Search. Together we will catch potential customers doing their research online. Along that many product searches nowadays start on Amazon and we are ready to help you there.

Remarketing and Retargeting

Show your offers across multiple ad networks to your highest value visitors: Shopping Cart abandoners; Viewers of specific pages(products, services); Visitors who completed a specific goal on your website (subscription, sign-up without purchase etc);  High Value Purchasers Let’s get those people back to your business.


In 2023 it is already mandatory to use 1-st party cookies and tracking as a way to track your visitors and results. Google plans to remove 3-rd party cookie tracking from Chrome this year which would be the most disruptive event in digital paid advertising in more than a decade. This means using Google tag manager server side, AWS and other platforms to manage and implement all tracking codes in the backend ( server ) of your website. By doing so you can expect higher data accuracy ( most adblokers, browsers and operating systems won’t be able to interfere with tracking ), faster page load times and higher ROI. We offer support for your team to migrate to 1-st party tracking as a standard feature along with Implementing and setting up the new GA4 which is mandatory from June 2023. Both of those services alone can cost a business more than 2000 each and we offer them as standard in our PPC management service.

Google Display Network & YouTube

Reach the largest display audience with your massage. Get people to recognize your brand, products and services and purchase them. We will create for you the best targeted GDN and / or Youtube audience in accordance with your business goals, segment and where your clients spend their time online. It is time for people to know about your business.

Social Media Advertising

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok and LinkedIn are a drawing magnet for users and this makes them a perfect place to show them your offer. We will help your business get a front seat on 21-st century social Forum. The vast amount of ad formats (image, video, text etc), targeting options, campaign types offer a very effective tool set for us to work with in achieving your business goals.


Having a custom, automated and accurate report in the form of a Data ( Looker ) studio dashboard is a must have for any business owner looking to grow through the use of digital technology. Based on our tried and tested dashboards we can add any data from any source and present it to You in an accessible and understandable format which would make our mutual work more efficient and beneficial. Your reporting dashboard would be created around your needs as a business and You would learn how to use it in minutes. You would have separate Data studio dashboards for both PPC and SEO: each one has Daily, Weekly, Monthly and YoY comparison tabs for each time period.

how can we collaborate

Take a look at our work procces


Improving your campaigns through time is our main focus; Active two way communication with the client and Easy to understand monthly reporting


Definition of key product/service categories and business goals-KPI’s = we send you a Brief to fill with the info;​


Definition of the main advertising channels which are going to be used along with a recommended budget for them based on Your goals;


Setting of digital tracking tools with GTM Server side: Google ads, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bing ads, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel;


Remarketing and Retargeting audience definition and creation; Initial keyword lists, Cold audience creation, and ads (copy and visuals) for your preview and approval;


Initial campaign launch – the first month is to test what works and build a stepping stone for growth, if You have running campaign we restructure and optimize them from Week 1;


Improving Your campaigns through time and optimization is our main focus; Active two way communication with the client and Easy to understand monthly reporting. Every ongoing task is discussed in an extensive email with the respective stakeholders and You are always in the loop.